Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Conscientious Ruling Class

A friend of mine has been diligently sending to me one Kural daily, with succinct meaning included. Recently, one Kural got stuck in my mind for a few days and I just did not know why I was unable to get past that one.  Then it dawned on me that this particular couplet was directly showing the torch on the behaviour of the contemporary politicians in our country.  Who would have thought?  That classic crown jewel of Thamizh literature, Thiruvalluvar's couplets, 'Thirukkural' being the guiding light for the current crop of political leaders in the country, in conducting their affairs?  Yet, that seems to be so, going by how diligently Thiruvalluvar's edicts for rulers are being adhered to today.  I know it is beyond belief and the interpretation of the ruling class today could be warped by their own crooked objectives, but they seem to try to abide by the teachings of Kural in their own weird way.  Let us see how.

Kural 382 is one of the best examples.  Thiruvalluvar lays down four fundamental tenets for rulers to follow for success in their endeavours - - fearlessness, giving/sharing generously, wisdom to prevent harm and relentless energy while facing problems.  We know what Thiruvalluvar had in mind when he laid down the four guiding principles, but our politicians definitely know differently and have brazenly taken the contents out of context to completely twist the lines to their advantage.  

Absolute fearlessness - once one is part of a leading political party, especially one of those which is likely to be ruling in some part, the politician does not need to fear anything.  He contemptuously swats aside all those institutions one normally respects and fears - like justice, law and order, right and wrong etc and proceeds to loot public wealth with single minded dedication and commitment.  He does not fear the courts or police because he knows they are all on the take, powerless against bull-headed political leaders and that he can buy his way out of any and all troubles that are likely hurdles in his way of amassing wealth for himself.  By personal leadership, he also instills this fearlessness (and also lawlessness) in his minions and cronies as well as political and personal heirs.  

Giving generously - taking off from the previous trait, this comes as a necessary corollary for successful politicians.  All the loot they collect is shared with the contractors they select for all works;  with the party seniors who can otherwise cause immense harm, if deprived of their rightful share of the booty; with all those ever-willing and sycophantic relatives and friends who become recipients of corrupt money as benami holders.  The last tribe may not get to usurp all the wealth so ill-gotten, but will enjoy a decent share to ensure that they live well and perpetuate the terribly obnoxious practice.  Helping in this devious enterprise are professionals like tax practitioners, lawyers, government officials, whose palms are all eagerly awaiting grease all the time.

Wisdom to prevent harm - This is where the ruling class excels in ingenuity and combine that with their ability to make undeserving people unduly rich. While Thiruvalluvar meant preventing harm to the general population through righteous rules, current crop of leaders gleefully focus on a few segments of the same population which are helpful to them in conducting their evil business fearlessly.  They nurture hooligans and vicious gangs of all stripes in order to mercilessly pummel protesting people into submission, without compunction.  In that sense they do protect the offending people from harm of all kinds including threats from opponents as well as action from law enforcing agencies.  They are very clairvoyant in preventing harm to themselves by resorting to dubious and even outrageous techniques to escape jail and punishment.  There seems to be enormous wisdom available to cook up new designs to violate all rules with impunity and still be free from punishment/action.  Even before the affected party goes to court, the offending guys have got anticipatory bail for all kind of offences including capital crimes.

Relentless energy in dealing with problems - Politicians have a separate corporate set up for this essential feature in their industry, as we know, as mentioned earlier.  Problems there will be since most of their entrprise is entwined in illegal and nefarious activities.  But then they also have a regular, well-trained supply of ingenious professionals like lawyers, tax consultants, corrupt judges, public relations team,  press people et al whose only responsibility is to subvert the system and keep the leaders out of trouble all of hues.  They are ever ready to deny all accusations even before they are made and are ten steps ahead, like seasoned chess players are, of their opponents at all times.  And once a well manufactured solution is cast for a specific problem, like a well oiled machine their system replicates it  ad infinitum.  Because it has all the same crooked web to work with.

Avaricious and warped men's interpretation of Thirukkural and their implementation of its edicts may be entirely different from the original intent, but our intrepid politicians will shamelssly cry from roof-tops that they follow the Kural diligently, if given a chance and a platform.  Only God can tackle them!! If He wanted, he could have made short work of all these specimens in no time, so we have to conclude He does not want to touch them with even a barge-pole.



Thursday, August 25, 2022

Freebies For Parties To Consider

The Supreme Court in India is suddenly waking up and sounding the bugle against this reckless habit of political parties prior to elections - of declaring how they would enrich voters with freebies of various types and denominations, if they are voted to power.  Reckless simply because basic financial wisdom dictates that such munificence at the expense of the exchequer should be curbed and wound back.  Political parties are bristling at this brazen intervention of judiciary in legislature related issue.  Because they staunchly believe it is their constitutional prerogative to make suckers out of voters whenever elections are announced and courts should not interfere, but just watch the sorry spectacle.  Voters are offended because they do not mind those freebies and enjoy making the politicians look like idiots when they take all the goodies and vote according to their whim anyway, swiping the kickbacks away from the equation.  Honest taxpayers are pricked since it is their hard earned money paid as taxes, which is used to fund the freebies when huge quantum of developmental work suffers for want of funds. But, to be fair, who does not mind freebies? Take the example of all the discounts, coupons and cash-backs that people gleefully accept from e-commerce platforms and the like.  What are they?  The saving grace is that this set is not funded by taxpayer's money but by mindlessly valuation-driven moneybags and that charade goes on all through the year, not only for a specific period.  If you look askance at that one difference, the entire population is guilty of savouring the freebies doled out perennially. 

With that preamble, let us see how innovative politicians can get with the freebies, assuming the supreme court is rendered powerless to stop this pestilence too, just as it has happened with many other malpractices in our country.   Nobody is taken in by the righteous and shrill objections from parties that spending on health care, education etc cannot be seen as freebies, because these are not the prickly issues in this practice and there can be no objection to those.  Problem is that genuine welfare expenses covering all the people as in the case of health and education can and do very easily, seamlessly merge with all kinds of flaky stuff like TVs, grinders, saris, shirts etc and here lies the rub.  If free cycles for girls going to school are justified, why not scooters for the parents to ferry the children to school and back?  With their well articulated mastery over specious arguments, political parties can rationalise any freebie, so long as some part of the public benefits.  So, let us not look for any rationale or vindication in this article and just imagine what all can be included in freebies and how.  All in good humour, so that no one takes serious umbrage.

Liquor is mammoth and serious business and most governments are involved in it - some even manufacturing and distributing the potions.  Liquor sales are one of the biggest tax generators for state governments and all those people who cry foul about price rise do not bat an eye lid before jostling a crowd in sweltering heat to get their tipple, whatever the cost. So, how about providing free stored value cards for stated amounts, valid for a year from the date of issue (after a government takes charge), so that voting population can enjoy their favourite drink and pay using the card.  The vends will collect taxes on the sales and channel that booty to the government.  So, the shrewd and well-meaning government gets to recoup at least some of the investment in this freebie.  Why is this a worthwhile benefit?  The perpetually harassed housewives can be free from the uncouth and testy behaviour of half-drunk husbands who are frustrated because they cannot be fully inebriated, at least for a few days and the resultant relief is a good reason for them to vote for the party in elections. Winners all around; party gets to power, husbands get additional bottles of liquor free, wives are relieved somewhat and government gets to rake in tax.  Of course, the liquor business is a GDP booster and employment creator, to boot.

Just to be even handed, the next freebie to be considered is free cable TV connections to the homes of voters. This could be a big welfare measure because it benefits the ladies at home, who diligently watch all the soaps and movies aired throughout the evening spellbound, ignoring the drunk husbands and pestering children.  The husbands are also probably happy because they do not have to listen to the raves and rants of women at home, even as they are passing out.  Older children are pleased to be left alone, able to indulge in their gadgets for a few hours without anyone looking over their shoulder.  Something which makes for a relatively peaceful home environment with very few complaints - except from those who are not serious drinkers and those who are averse to TV and of course the angry tax payer.

Next is something for the young voter and older children. Another stored value card for fixed amount to be used for mobile phone recharges.  Obviously this is supporting education in times of covid and allied maladies, since children are using mobile phones to attend classes.  Of course this measure makes for addiction to mobiles and all the video games they offer, but then what is a bit of collateral damage when overall development of the child is being facilitated.  Some political parties may even want to give free mobile phones to school and college children to let academics flourish in the states.

Subsidised subscriptions to specific newspapers which are party organs or at least friendly to the party/government could be another freebie.  All those people who choose to successfully evade the propagandistic outpouring on the TV stations owned by the political parties, can be targeted through this medium.  Of course, there will be accusations, rightly so, of such an arrangement benefiting the party directly, but then this will not be the first or last in that line.  All the party has to do is to hold a massive protest on a working day, in a highly congested central business district, blocking all traffic and making outrageous counter complaints against all those accusers. People tend to forget these things easily.

The final recommendation my dear wife has is for free outpatient treatment in all major hospitals given to those who are involved in accidents caused by pot-holed roads and knee-high speed bumps.  This will be a big hit, in places like Bangalore, where progressively there are more and more potholes and speed breakers and less of clear roads.  If you thought you are an experienced and careful rider and could  successfully negotiate all pot-holes, the next speed bump will get you.  With traffic at about 15 kmph even in non-peak hours, why there is such a multiplicity of speed breakers in every stretch of road is a legitimate question, but then who is listening?  With accidents increasing year on year in proportion to pot-holes and speed bumps, it looks like this is a genuine welfare measure and people would lap it up.

Not being a politician, this writer is not able to delve deep into the bag of freebies that parties might have already filled up.  So, we shall await the turn of the experts to unleash their talents to snare the voters!



Thursday, June 9, 2022

Senior Citizens' Discussions

With due apologies to the senior citizens group, let me submit this piece is not a derisive critique of their ways.  Simply because I am myself an integral part of that group and indulge in this characteristic behaviour intermittently.  While this may be amusing on the one hand, causing some mirth at the expense of the elders, it is an effort to clarify that it is but inevitable that one's mind and body expeirences have to form a substantive part of one's conversations and they do, for the seniors.  So, if there are afflictions that bother elders - unfortunately, that is the way of life for most - naturally it follows that they tend to be expressive of that.  This piece is to shine some light on this behaviour and see if some changes can be implemented to ensure that as a group, we do not put off others and make them shy away from our attempts at conversations. 

When youngsters meet they raucuously discuss cricket or loud music or some new restuarant or yes, girls.  But when elders congregate, especially on occasions like wedding or similar social occasions which do not demand their undivided attention (it is true that very few are gripping enough to do that), conversations invariably meander and end up in the domain of health issues.  Why?  Because those are much more real and present than any other thing in the current lives of most seniors.  They might start with some old film song or playback singer, touch upon a recently deceased cricketer of the 1970s, progress to how life was easier during their youth which has receded inexorably back into the far corners of memory and then after a lull in the conversation, the question invariably pops up `by the way, how is your knee'or 'how is your diabetes' or `is the prostate okay'?  That is like a match shown to a few pieces of camphor.  

There are two types of responses to the above query, depending on the personality of the individual.  If he/she is a somewhat private, taciturn person, the reply would be almost terse; like `oh, its okay, am carrying on with that God's gift'.  Then they make it clear that they would rather not plunge further into that topic.  Then there is the other type, the loquacious, starved-for-conversation, self indulgent person, who pounces on any such opening and seizes the opportunity like a seal snatching fish from the hands of the reluctant trainer.  It is almost as if he/she has been waiting on the fringes, sniffing for something like this to pop up.  He/she barges in to open the flood-gates and start `sharing' all that research he/she has done on knees in general and meniscus tear, wearing out of cartilage, orthoscopic surgery vs knee replacement and whatever else is published on related subjects.  This person is so evolved on the subject and involved with such intensity, nobody else can get in edgeways even to say three words together.  Such a person invariably is also a good story-teller and this combination in deadly in terms of attracting audience.

Everyone has knees and in old age knees also mean niggles to pain, so relating to what is being expounded is easy.  This means all those in the vicinity, who were listlessly mumbling meaningless platitudes, tend to hear the high decibel exposition on 'knees' and are drawn to it like moths to the flame.  Soon the number of participants increases and what you have are multi-layered circles of enthusiastic people, pretty much like the multiple ripples caused by a stone in water.  Very soon, what is on the table is a cornucopia of medical information about knees and all problems related to them, including leading doctors who do this or that, all kinds of knee support systems like caps, braces and wheelchairs.  Also thrown in are the most efficacious medication available.  But generally it would be foolish to expect some agreement on anything regarding this, not the doctors, not the tablets, or anything else since for each problem there are about fifty `best' doctors and about seventy six `super' medicines. Of course, there are a couple of guys who have no problem with knees but have ulcers or migraine and they feel pathetically left out in the cold during this effusive display.  They wince, start circulating more aggressively, wistfully looking out for another forum, where their ailment might be the hot topic. But `knees' as a topic of conversation is a big hit amongst seniors anywhere, one can wager a hefty amount.

Some sufferers would plunge into graphic description of all the issues they face and might make it impossible to even look at the wedding meal one has been waiting for.  These people do not care about aesthetics or finesse and go on and on about the minutest details of the impairments they carry in their bodies and their impact. In their fervour, such people do not realise that others might be revulsed by their intimate exposition. Then experience says that one sensible octaogenarian will materialise from somewhere, to hobble in and shut the whole thing down with a few stern, choice utterances to the hyped up blabberer, to the relief of the listeners. It is easy to empathize with the elders and the tendency to talk about health issues amongst others.  But my preference is for those who do this subtly, imparting knowledge, broadcasting useful titbits without taking a large ladle, plunging it into the mess and stirring violently.  Not done, you will agree?  My dear wife has her own strong views; she thinks all discussions on the subject of seniors' problems should be banned officially and eschewed consciously by everyone, in the interests of overall mental wellbeing of seniors themselves.

I hear from time to time of an eighty-five yeard old woman running a marathon and a ninety six year old man doing triathalon.  I have not been blessed enough to see any such person, but I am sure there exists a sprinkling of such people in reality. It would be nice to have a formula to get to such a healthy mix of old age and fitness. But how many succeed, despite sustained efforts? I recall T S Eliot's `The Waste Land' and the sibyl.  This sibyl desired to live for ever and prayed for that and some mischievous God granted her that wish.  As years pass, she realised she was shrinking in size and had to be eventually put into a cage to protect her from being trampled by somebody.  So, longevity in life is good, but what should be a necessary accompaniment is resonably good health.  God has built our bodies for, say,  sixty years and from the sixty first, He blesses us with minor, major malaises, watching from the sidelines with His inscrutable smile.  I wish elders could make a collective, persuasive representation to God for a more even distribution - mix of longevity and good health for X years. 

But then, if this boon is granted to us, what will the seniors discuss on future social occasions?  Probably the disproportionate allocation of the two components for some of them?? 


Friday, April 29, 2022

The Neighbourhood Bully

When we were children, we were traumatized by the bullying of a neighbourhood thug, who was 4-5 years older than the rest and had the physique to show for that. That he was bigger and beefier than the rest of the boys had, in his mind, bestowed on him the unequivocal right to lord over the group.  Being a dimwit, he knew the only way he could command a vague sense of respect from us was to literally beat the hell out of all opposition within the group by pouncing on some unfortunate, puny victim! He was never okay with any of us being on good terms with his enemies -- and he had many -- and he was mortally afraid of directly taking on his enemies, who were his own age and equally well built.  He was mortally afraid that he might be beaten black and blue and his face could be scrubbed shapeless in the mud, which would make him lose all the dread and grudging respect he had carefully built within the group for so many years.  So it was always the smaller kids who were the victims of his wrath because they deliberately or unwittingly chose to ignore his repeated warnings that they should not hobnob with any other senior, at any cost. Period.  Frequently problems arose when some cheeky bigger boys came around to chat or play or whatever, with the intention of making the bully wring his hands in anger.  After their departure, expectedly, some small kid got the rap badly from the bully.  The funny thing was the bully did not have any great friend his own vintage; probably he did not want that and never made any effort in that direction, because he knew he could not sustain any meaningful relationship with an equal and wanted only trembling subservients around him.  Made him feel like a potent force obviously.

Sounds familiar?? I reckoned so. Might have happened in your life too at some stage.  When Russia decided to pommel Ukraine into submission with its military might in a patently unequal battle, some of our friends exchanged notes and reminisced about that neighbourhood thug of those days.  We concluded that there is no difference, except that the setting was global geopolitics.  Ukraine dared to have some aspirations of its own - like joining EU, Nato and generally cosying up to the West.  As an indepndent nation, it mistakenly assumed that it had the right to align itself with whoever it liked. Like that young boy in our childhood group, who saw no harm in buying a colourful top from another neighbourhood boy, without realising that this action was posing a direct provocation to our own bully, who reacted violently.  Having cocked a snook at Putin thus and almost daring him into thuggish behaviour, Ukraine did not exactly prepare itself for a full scale assault by Russia. It probably never occurred to Ukraine that in this 21st century, geopolitical fairness and international norms would allow a street-bully like Putin to trample a smaller country at will and that there will be no direct protection available to it from the so-called friends and also that retrograde organization called United Nations.  

The specious argument used by Putin (not that it mattered) was `democracy and rights of a sovereign nation be damned, Ukraine cannot be friendly with those who are my enemies because that would endanger Russia.  If it attempts to, Russia can view such a move as inimical to its security interests and act'.  So, Russia's position is that if Ukraine has to improve its own security and trade interests and wants to be in pacts with USA and EU countries, it has to first get Russia's nod for that, which will never be forthcoming.  It is almost like the repugnant veto some countries wield in the UN.  One, why would an independent, sovereign country Ukraine, have to seek permission from anyone to do what it likes to do, so long as it does not involve violation of the rights of another sovereign country?  Two, and why does Russia, which has this pathetic track record of aggression against smaller countries after the Soviet Union's break-up, get to dictate terms on this?  Well, we may have those and thousand other legitimate questions, but Russia and Putin are not looking to satisfy our doubts in this regard.  That is the way it is and a belligerent Russia invaded Ukraine with impunity, when the latter continued to make noises about joining Nato and EU.  This is no different from our neighbourhood bully sternly warning all the smaller kids that we should not move out of the circle he has drawn for us and if we choose to, we would face the consequences.

Ukraine's friends did not jump into the already muddied waters, to help the country for the touted reason that they did not want this confrontation to flame out into a `world war'.  Did USA and EU countries tell Ukraine beforehand that they would not `fight' with Ukraine against Russia for this and other reasons?  Did Zelensky go ahead on his own and still send some toxic vapour up the nostril of Putin, as seen  in Tom and Jerry cartoons?? Why would he risk the loss of lives and territory, if he was clear that meaty military support would not be forthcoming from the allies? If that was a dare he posed to Putin, without covering his flanks, is he irresponsible as a leader? Or did his so-called allies promise one thing and chicken out to do something less when push came to shove? In which case, the allies would not only be guilty of reneging on promises of support made, but also of directly causing immense losses to Ukraine.  One thing is certain, manipulative Putin read the softness of the position of the allies better than Zelensky and walked into Ukraine. Reminds me of those couple of times when two-three more daring of the smaller kids in our group, on the provocation of a mischievously exploitative boy, started a small fire of rebellion and got thrashed by the bully.       

It looks like what Putin imagined was easy fodder has turned out to be something more serious, he has not been able to ride roughshod over Ukraine and has been bitten on the backside quite a bit.  The latter is resisting strongly and Russia is losing men, military assets and lots of face in the bargain.  Probably because Ukraine's allies, feeling guilty that they are not actually entring the combat, are attempting to make up by supplying powerful arms and ammunitions, which are put to good use by Ukraine to dent the fortunes and confidence of Russia.  Putin is retreating from some fronts, looking to make out to the weaker fringes bordering Russian territory (natural or acquired through illegitimate means and aggression earlier, like Crimea).  There he can rely on pro-Russian rebel elements within Ukraine to bolster him up through uprising against the regime in Ukraine.  Another tactic he has perfected over the decades as in Georgia and Crimea earlier.  Now it is pretty clear that the Russia's whole game is to gobble up as much territory as possible all around Ukraine, even as the rest of the world and UN bleat out their well practised chorus - `Differences should be resolved through talks, not war'.  We have all done that very expertly for decades in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen -- of course, without anyone bothering to even listen. 

Now that Purin has realised this is going to be a tougher war than he had imagined and Ukraine is not going to curl up and roll over, he is imitating our bully and saying things like `no country should provide arms and ammunitions to Ukraine.  That would amount to intervention in the war'.  Russia also uttered the N word a few times in an attempt to put the lid on the help Ukraine is getting by warning that the whole war could spiral out into a nuclear war.  Now hollering from top of the fort that it will be going nuclear, doesn't it realise that nothing will remain of Russia or all those deceitful acquisitions it has made over the years, if indeed nuclear arms are involved.  How does that help Putin or Russia?  They will unilaterally declare war, ride roughshod over innocent civilians in a less powerful, smaller country and the world should just watch without providing any help. How unfair can Russia be?

But as long as there is no strong global platform (UN cannot be that, by any stretch of imagination, unless completely revamped), which can rustle up robust persuasive or military support to oppose all transgressors meaningfully, this scene will repeat itself in some corner of the world.  And most of us will be saying `tch, tch, what did the Ukrainians do wrong??  Russia cannot do this'.  What Ukraine was trying to do, some other countries might go on the same road soon.  Russia is trying to set up a precedent.  Hope all angles will be covered by those daring to break a new path. 

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Wintry Trip To New York

Even when we were planning our Dec 2021 trip to USA, we felt that chill burrow through our bones and send tremors of anticipatory trepidation.  Not that we were strangers to USA in winter.  We have successfully negotiated the numbing cold of Chicago in Dec/January, accentuated by the freezing lake nearby, multiple times but that seemed eons back. Now we are that much older, with that much less tolerance of change from the balmy Bangalore weather, we were just anxious. Nevertheless, we had to go because we hadn't seen our boys and their families in two years. When we actually reached, we found ourselves in an apartment right on the bank of the Hudson river, which meant that we were fodder for all the concomitant forces of the elements.  At first sight we were very excited about the prospect of looking into the vast expanse of the river all through the day (no doubt it was extremely serene and soothing), but later on when the weather asserted itself and got nasty, we realised that there was a pretty significant price to pay. The increased impact of the cold whenever we stepped out.  The temperature tended to be some 3 to 4 degrees C colder than a bit more inland in Manhattan.  With wind-chill we were usually walking around in -6 to -18 deg C temperature and that was not very enjoyable.  We would have preferred to trundle along the length and breadth of the place in trousers/shorts and tees during summer, just as we wont to. Consequently this also meant we ventured out less, walked less and were disappointed that we could not indulge in our favourite Manhattan pastime, just walking!

If the cold weather was a problem, even worse was what we had to do to counter that - wearing multiple layers of warm clothing, even for the exposure of a very short walk around the corner to the supermarket.  The process was akin to dressing up with all those props for a part in a historical drama like Ramayana or Mahabharatha.  That ritual paraphernalia began with the addition of another layer under the trousers as the cold increased.  A pair of woollen socks became mandatory and that meant struggling with our shoes because of the thickness of the socks. A sweater was an add-on below the jacket we were using and one felt like one had bulged in all directions for no reason at all.  The long overcoat which was my permanent companion in New York during winter, seemed to weigh a ton all of a sudden and increased the discomfiture.  Pulling on a pair of good gloves was essential to avoid having to pick up the fingers from the floor if they fall off at the end of the trip due to frosty cold.  Yes, what one would have used to pick up those fingers from the ground is a pertinent question.  Then a monkey cap to prevent the icy wind from drilling its way through the ears. A pair of heavier than normal shoes to prevent the toes from curling up even as we walk and a shawl/muffler around the neck to cover the last exposed part of the body, all became necessary weapons to fight the weather.  As if all the above were not suffocating enough, our kindly friend Covid accentuated the oppressed feeling with the mask (our sons mandated N 90, nothing less).  For someone walking in Bangalore with the barest necessary clothing, all these were layers of extraordinary distress obviously.

That cumbersome ritualistic dressing up made us wise enough to curtail trips out of the apartment and robustly question the need for getting out of the cocoon of its heated environs. There was a fair amount of discussion before stepping out and we got into the wholesome habit of choosing `required' outings over `wanted' ones.  Still, we walked daily along the promenade by the river or in the river-side park.  Cold itself was not the issue (not after the protection offered by all that stuff) but the weighty responsibility of carrying all those pieces of clothing made us groan.  Our usual gentle pace was even further reduced by the strenuous effort and we found it difficult to keep pace with our two-year-old grandson, who was invariably our companion on such walks.  That guy never walks, only runs and his velocity effortlessly outstripped ours and we ended up huffing and puffing to catch up. And he would never let up and goaded us to go along without a pause. Interesting that he only had a jacket and a cap for protection and seemed none the worse for that despite his tender age. Children have warmer blood, we have heard, but this one seems to be blessed with hotter blood for the winter!! Having said that, we enjoyed our two hours' outing each morning with him and were willing to wear additional layers of warm clothing to do that, if warranted.  That's what grandchildren do to you, I suppose.

The daily essential trips were the above morning saunter with our grandson and the evening walk to my son's apartment, less than a km away for more family time.  One night at about 8 pm when we said good bye to our son and left his apartment, there was a very slight drizzle.  Unmindful of that we began ambling against the slanting rain and wind towards the river, to our apartment. Lo and behold, in a jiffy, the capricious weather metamorphosed so much; the slight drizzle gathered pace with a howling wind, which almost sounded like a gale to us unprepared Bangaloreans. We were struggling to hold our feet to the ground, as the wind made progress painfully slow.  We had to hold on to some rods on the roadside to make even that snail paced headway. Our struggling movement against the  wind was reminiscent of some disaster movies in which you see people  heaving and panting as they fight the elements! At one point, our feet were lifted off the ground by the gusting wind; but for the fact that we were attached to the scaffolding of a building, we would have probably been deposited at some unintended destination, negating the precious little progress we had made in 10 minutes!  We can assure you, dire situations like these kind tend to dim your wit and responses. When we reached our apartment eventually (that wind did not last very long, mercifully), we wondered why we did not use our sagacity to get into one of the buildings on the way, hiding from the raging wind.  There were at least 20 tall buildings which could have offered refuge. That was a terrifying experience but we can now look back and say we have gone through that also! Ironically we found out from our son subsequently that there was a gale warning out for that time!! Being non-New Yorkers we did not check that before stepping out.

It snowed 3-4 times during our stay and usually one foot of snow accumulated on the ground and quite a bit on top of cars parked on the roadsides.  Our grandson looked out from our apartment window and yelled `fonny' (his way of saying `funny') as he watched a parade of many vehicles with solidified snow on top, as if they were wearing a white canopy for the season.  Outside our apartment, between the road and the river, there was a sizeable slope, going down about 150 yards or so.  Every time it snowed, that slope was nicely laid out with snow and the whole area transformed into a skiing slope for adults and children.  Teeming crowds gathered there, equipped with whatever they can find at home, from large, flat plates to coracle like contraptions and everything in between.  They tirelessly screamed down the slopes on their backs or haunches and made the required tremendous effort to traverse the ascent back to the top, for the next trip down. It was hilarious to see some novices, with no knowledge of what to do or how to, starting with the intent of going perpendicularly downwards, but in their state of perfect imbalance switching to horizontal travel some way down.  They struggled to control themselves and upset many other neighbouring skiers, who got scattered all around trying to avoid the errant skiers.  It was fantastic and energising to watch youngsters ski all day long without a hint of fatigue.

While booking tickets to New York, we discovered that all those pronouncements about bubble flights and difficulty with connecting flights were just hogwash.  For instance, middle eastern carriers were unabashedly carrying passengers from India beyond their shores through connecting flights.  Even though flights between Qatar/UAE were under the bubble arrangement.  At the same time, British Airways very scrupulously told us we cannot connect to a BA flight from London to New York.  Then came the surprise that if you book with American Airlines (a partner of BA) a Bangalore-London-New York flight with a BA connection in London, it is a breeze, you are okay.  One BA agent told me we will not be able to fly BA from London, come what may, because the airline's aircraft cannot carry Indian passport holders beyond London.  But, if it is an American Airlines ticketed and BA operated code-share flight, all is well.  I guess that small part of the aircraft is American's and not BA's!!  Do you see any logic in this??  These rules just confuse you even more.

Another issue to compound the confusion is the Covid test requirement for the flights and countries you go to.  Airlines have ensured that there is no clarity about the tests required for the transit points.  Nobody would tell us for sure if we needed some test taken at a specific time for transiting through London.  We diligently filled out some forms that seemed required for London transit and were prepared to be grilled about our vaccination status and test results to anyone who would want to be informed of such frightfully critical details, in London.  But not a soul was concerned about what we were or what our Covid status was!  There seemed to be perfect indifference about you, just as in normal times. Looked like they did not care so long as you stayed Airside and did not shove your nose into the rest of England beyond the airport.  One line somewhere in the policy/rule book would have clarified this to harassed travellers but they did not think it was necessary.

Similar was the uncertainty on the return trip through Paris.  We were disheartened by the fact that there is no uniform rule regarding when you had to take the test for travel.  For India it was `not earlier than 72 hours' and for Paris `it was not earlier than 48 hours'.  Logically, the latter test would have covered the former also, but then there were timing issues which could have screwed up our plan if the results do not appear in time for our travel.  So, we were wondering if we had to do one test for India and another for Paris, because India test was far more critical and there was absolute lack of clarity about test for Paris as a transit point.  I was ready to do two tests, like that genius of an individual who made two holes in his door for his cats to move about - one large hole for the bigger cat and another smaller one for the small ones.  Fortuitously, at the last moment we chanced upon a Air France web site which clearly stated that no test is required for transit passengers, same as London.  That released me from the horns of dilemma where I stayed on tenterhooks for a couple of days before departure.

Why can't all countries agree on tests 72 hours before travel and no tests for transit points as uniform rules and pronounce them prominently to help the hassled passengers?  Too much to ask? 

All said and done, we were okay with the wintry trip to New York, but will probably take any suggestion of a future winter trip under advisement, only to decline vigorously.        


Burden Of Being A Landlord

The title does not refer to the troubles of the owner of inherited land in an ancestral village he/she never visits. Meaning, the owner is a...