One oft-repeated statement of despair family members have heard from our father during childhood days (we will refrain from getting into the circumstances which prompted that) was that `a dog's tail can never be straightened'. Obviously his angst came out in that form when the same stupid error was committed by some errant individual. He used to elucidate for the uninitiated that so long as a small stone is tied to any dog's tail, that part will stay politely down and the moment the stone is removed, the tail will resume status-quo-ante. Now, in the context of the current pandemic, his desperation-driven judgement appears to be justified and magnified, reminding us of dog's tail at every turn in daily life when people are involved in numbers.
On simple analysis, one can see that extensive violations of edicts occur because of (a) sheer lack of space for a family to spend a whole day cooped up together (b) the absence of avenues of pastime in a rather constricted atmosphere and (c) absolute impudence of pachyderm-like citizens who just do not care and want to callously execute their will regardless of the outcome staring us in the face. The best specimen in this last category is the eminently-gone, but mule-headed former president of USA. Come to think of it, there can be no better example of a dog's tail than this individual. Actually it may be even more difficult to attach a stone to this defiant tail.
We do not have to venture too far to get evidence of the reckless, dog's-tail crowd behaviour. Photos/videos in newspapers/TV news, of people shopping for festivals with gay abandon, would make us wonder if the somewhat careful among us are living in some bizarre world. While one section of the people ultra-carefully step out when the crowd is the least on the roads and in shops and only if unavoidable, others are seen milling around in narrow bazaars as if there is no tomorrow. There is no way any authority can monitor or control such wildness on such humongous scale and even jail cells would not have adequate space even if incarceration is the punishment for not wearing a mask or not maintaining social distancing. These perverse violators are perfectly aware of that and tend to use that knowledge `effectively' to some advantage - god knows what; hence the insolent disregard for all controls laid down with good intent .
But what is baffling is that such deliberate disregard of norms to indulge in recklessly negligent behaviour would primarily affect the same set of people. And they are the ones who can ill afford to get into a mess health-wise. Financially too, because with a single line decree, the government can decide that there should be a curfew for the next month, stopping all commercial activities and means of livelihood.
The government is also concerned about votes, so they are more interested in making noises and rules like even a family of four cannot travel in their own car together; or that even a single driver/passenger in a car should be wearing mask and maintain social distancing from himself/herself!!
So, when both the power-wielders and majority of the subjects prefer chaotic rule, we have a classic case of multitudes of dog's tails!!
Nice thought! The same arched dog tail wags at any free “privileges” thrown at it. Abandon social distance let me wag
Dog’s tail indeed. They also seem to be pig headed to say the least. The crorepathy question: is it the netas or the aam janata who are responsible?
Departure from your earlier post with angst replacing humour. Perhaps dog is born with such a tail or it's an involuntary act on it's part to keep the tail like that. Ofcourse, the saying also applies to those who are prisoners of habit. People's response in part the innate habit of our people towards civil disobedience, well understood by Gandhiji, to nullify any restriction which is long term. We brook no ling term shackles; hope even Covid19 would succumb before our people s' defiance- your lament notwithstanding!
nice and perfect for the times
The multitude of the dog tails have always been there.. it took one the courage to showcase it.
Relevant for the times..And the adage applies to across races, communities and nationalities.. I guess the dog's tail has been blamed unnecessarily..It's just human nature !
Good one Varad 👍🏻......I’d say those of us who have kept a dog would believe that the dogs are much better behaved and do not merit this comparison
Varad, we in Kerala have experimented with a more effective way of straightening the Dog's tail. Not that it made any difference. It is to pass the tail through a tube. Poor Dog, you can't keep the tail permanently in the tube or tied to a heavy stone.
Caught up with a few I had missed reading earlier. Doffing my cap to you Varad for churning out the written word in such a readable fashion. It almost feels as if you are sitting across the coffee table. Keep it rolling!
Sheela Sarath
Tail wags! poor Creature! Always quoted to denote negative connotations only!
Problem is with the ever changing curves.keep it steady,compliance will be ready..even in socio political scenes
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